For those of you who read my last blog post about the tragedy of my beloved piano, I have a happy update. 😊 Yes, paradise has indeed been regained! Thank you, Sir Milton, for lending me those pertinent words, even if they are almost four hundred years old. And talking of pertinent words from the [...]

A Tale of Forbidden Love at Christmastime

A Tale of Forbidden Love at Christmastime

When Father Matthew and I  woke up again, at some unknown hour later in the evening, the wind had stopped. I turned my head towards the latticed window, buried deep within the thirteenth-century stone wall, and noted with an unbearable sadness that it had stopped snowing. Phantom hills were now visible, rolling and colliding into [...]

Worlds Gone By

Worlds Gone By

‘Wow, you all looked so glamorous back then!’ my daughter said to me the other day, with more than a touch of envy. We were browsing through a selection of old photo albums from the late 1980s and early 1990s, and happened to stop at one particularly fetching snapshot: the one I ended up selecting [...]