Bollocks to New Year’s Resolutions!

Bollocks to New Year’s Resolutions!

‘Nearly everything that happens to you in life you forget. Should have kept a journal.’ I came across those words while reading Ian McEwan’s latest novel, ‘Lessons’, and they lifted my mid-winter spirits astronomically. Why? Because keeping a journal is at least one New Year’s Resolution I don’t have to worry about, seeing as I’ve [...]

Infinite Versions

Infinite Versions

Generally speaking, I don’t like making sweeping statements. But I’m going to make one now. The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett is one of the most beautiful novels I have ever read. There. I’ve said it. And that’s coming from someone who has read lots and lots of books. I used to think it [...]

Boris the Beast

Boris the Beast

On her first day working as an au pair at Cliff House, Kitty discovers the true colours of the family pet, Boris the Mad Belgian Malinois. .......... “BORIS!” I yell as the sodding animal wrenches the lead out of my hand and bounds off after a large ball that appears out of nowhere. “Boris! Come [...]

Struggling with Depression- Her Last Coherent Thought

Struggling with Depression- Her Last Coherent Thought

In my last extract, traumatised Kitty O'Hara gate-crashed the graduation ball of her ex-colleagues at St Andrew's University. Reaching rock bottom, she now realises that something has got to change in her life. CHAPTER TWO Okay, let’s take a step back. For the first six months after the incident, I fought bitterly against the idea [...]