Heavenly, celestial, otherworldly …

Heavenly, celestial, otherworldly …

Following my last post, here's the second chapter of my novel, INFINITE STRANGER, which is due out this summer. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 North Yorkshire, February 1978 I’ll never forget the first time I saw Greystones Abbey. If ever there was a single word to describe such an impression, I’d love to know it. To phrase it [...]

Killer virus, or time for us to ‘stand and stare’?

Killer virus, or time for us to ‘stand and stare’?

In these pandemic times of rising fear and uncertainty, I thought I’d try to infuse at least one small drop of positivity into the worldwide panic that is spreading as fast as the coronavirus itself. Right now, at this unique time of history in the making, virtually all corners of the globe are united in [...]

Fat Thursday, Pancake Tuesday and all that Gluttony!

Fat Thursday, Pancake Tuesday and all that Gluttony!

Today is Fat Thursday in Poland. (Tłusty Czwartek to the Poles.) A day of over-indulging yourself with greasy, fatty, calorific donuts to your heart’s content. All bakery shops will be stacked mountain-high with them; most work places will be offering platefuls of the melt-in-your-mouth delights to their employees; practically every shop window will have a [...]

Letting Go

It's so hard to let go. So much easier to cling on And on and on and on. Letting go takes blind faith; Clinging on takes nothing. It's so easy But so addictive, seductive, palliative. So easy to top up your wine glass, Look at old photos, Read old diaries, messages, Memories. The narcosia of [...]

To My Inner Demon

To My Inner Demon

With the start of a new year, I’ve been thinking a lot about my relationship with you. Yes, you, my once-beloved inner demon. You’ve given me some of the most euphoric moments in my life – hope, excitement, promises for a golden future; but time and time again you’ve fallen short of your promises. And [...]